If You Hate Yourself, Eat Burger King’s New Steakhouse XT Burgers
March 12, 2010
If you hate yourself, smoke cigarettes. If you hate yourself, walk into moving traffic. But if you really hate yourself and your heart and your stomach, then eat the new Steakhouse XT burgers at Burger King. My friend Eric and I had the pleasure of eating each of the three varieties of XT burgers earlier this week and we learned one thing: we must hate ourselves. Just looking at the burgers below must make any normal, healthy person cringe. But Eric and I? We forged ahead for the sake of you, the reader, the eater, to teach you a valuable lesson: in the world of fast food, bigger does not equal better. Burger King needs to forget about competing directly with McDonald’s Angus burger and instead just focus on making burgers that actually taste good.
From top to bottom: The A1 Steakhouse XT featured a faint steak sauce flavor and crunchy fried onions, all of which were overwhelmed by the burger’s char. It’s a good thing the Smokey Cheddar XT (middle) is only around for a limited time because the cheddar tasted more like American and the smokey sauce was nauseatingly artificial. The standard Steakhouse XT (bottom) was actually the best of the three, most closely resembling a thicker Whopper, just without pickles.
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