Bid On The Last Case of American Tim Tams, Signed by Hugh Jackman; Proceeds Benefit Charity

Date May 4, 2009

When I consider what I would view as “a chance of a lifetime opportunity,” I think about going to the Red Hook Ball Fields with Gisele Bundchen, taking batting practice with the Mets and hosting my own TV show on Food Network.  Bidding on Ebay for the last case of Pepperidge Farm Chocolate Creme Tim Tams in the United States, signed by Wolverine himself, Hugh Jackman, the proceeds of which would go to the Feeding America charity? Well, no, that falls out of my Top 5.


But when you think about it, this really is “a chance of a lifetime opportunity.”  Besides, bidding is only up to $28, with 9 days left on the auction.  What do you have to lose?  Log on to, enter your max bid, and hope for the best. You’re not only helping your stomach or odd memorabilia collection (Hugh’s Herbie Hancock will look great next to your unopened box of Ninja Turtles Cereal), you’re putting food in other peoples’ stomachs too.  I just hope the next time we see more Tim Tams in the U.S. it’s for longer than 5 months. Cookietease.