Jacques Torres Dark Chocolate Chip Cookie Rivals Levain?
May 30, 2008
What or who could possibly rival Levain’s cookies? Jacques Torres, that’s who. The heralded chocolatetier is selling a dark chocolate chip cookie ($2.50) in his new shop on Amsterdam Avenue near 73rd street, just 50 feet away from Levain Bakery. I have some other delicious secrets that will maximize your enjoyment, so read on.
This cookie is the real deal.
I can only describe it as two thin walls of cookie encasing explosions of the most delicious dark chocolate I’ve ever tasted. I don’t even like dark chocolate and I was licking my fingers clean as I peeled the cookie apart, layer by layer. It looks so damn delicious because it is fresh off the “cookie warmer”, an electrified baking sheet just behind the counter. Make sure your cookie comes from here, I implore you.
Ice cream cookie sandwiches anyone?
There’s a little freezer in the back of the Upper West Side shop that houses pre-made ice cream cookie sandwiches ($5). It’s two of these cookies with healthy servings of chocolate peanut butter, vanilla, banana, chocolate or several other flavors of ice cream wedged between.
So is it better than Levain’s Chocolate Chip Walnut?
No and so far nothing is. This cookie is too thin and as delicious as the dark chocolate is, it’s very overpowering. The beauty of Levain’s cookie is the balance and the fact that it tastes like your mom could have made it, after injecting her cookies with steroids of course.
Jacques Torres
285 Amsterdam Ave at 73rd St. New York, NY 10023 (212) 414-2462Hours: 10AM – 8PM Monday through Thursday, 10AM – 9PM Friday & Saturday, 10AM – 7PM Sunday
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