NYC French Fries: Umami Burgers “Manly Fries” & Truffle Fries May Look Good, but Save Room for the Burgers

Date September 11, 2013

I know these look good. How could they not? They’re French fries, one of the hardest-to-resist foods on the planet (for me at least). But when push comes to shove, you didn’t wait in line at Umami Burger for 30 to 90 minutes for the fries, you’re here for the burgers.  These fries look sinful and spectacular, but give credit to my iPhone for that, because quite frankly these are just window dressing. The fries themselves are ordinary pre-frozen shoestring and the flavor profiles of the “Manly Fries” and the Truffle fries are as basic as their descriptions imply.  Sure they’re salty, sinful and easy to eat by the forkful.  The burgers, on the other hand, are unique and very big on flavor. Are they worth a 90-minute wait? Not in my humble opinion.  But if you happen to pass by Umami Burger and see some open seats, pop in and grab a classic “Umami Burger” AND a Green Chile Burger. Pass on the fries, you’ll thank me later.

Umami Burger Website

This photo came from @nycfoodguy Instagram, follow me there for even more food porn