West Village Chinese Food: Author Malcolm Gladwell Dines at RedFarm, Here’s What I Hope He Ordered
October 10, 2011
In his best-selling book “Outliers,” Malcolm Gladwell writes that a person needs 10,000 hours of practice in order to be called a world-class expert in anything. It’s no wonder Gladwell sauntered into Red Farm for dinner late Thursday night; chef Joe Ng and partner Ed Schoenfeld must have well over 10,000 hours of practice preparing and eating Chinese food. Hopefully Gladwell didn’t miss out on my two favorite bites: the Kowloon filet mignon tarts ($8.50 for two) and the steamed pork and crab soup dumplings ($10 for 4). A piece of tender grilled beef glistens atop asparagus and a miso-filled tart, taunting you to eat it all in one bite. You’ll be wise to take only a small bite of the soup dumpling, one just big enough to slurp the soup from its delicate encasement. The intense flavor of the pork and crab is best experienced slowly, a spoonful of tart black vinegar beneath. 10,000 hours? It only took me one hour to realize the best soup dumplings in Manhattan are in the West Village.
RedFarm Link 529 Hudson Street near Charles Street, New York, NY 10014 Open Daily 5:30pm-Midnight (212) 792-9700
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